Protest songs

1)    The first step is to gather some background information about “protest songs”. Check these websites and try to define briefly what a protest song is.
- : read the first paragraph and give your own definition.
- : name two or three famous civil rights movement protest songs.
- : name two or three famous anti-war protest songs.


2)    The second step is to choose one song of these songs to work on and find information about it to report to the class.

Your mission is to talk about a singer and his or her protest song: you will have to tell the class what you have found about this singer, the context of his or her song and its message AND why you have chosen this particular song.
-    have a look at the websites selected for the song you have chosen and note down the information about the song you have chosen on your worksheet.

3)    The third and final step is to complete your worksheet with further background information about the civil rights movement, the Vietnam war or the Troubles in Ireland (for Ireland, the context is much more complex so you are allowed to have a look at a French website) and to prepare to present your result to the class. You will have to tell the class about the song you’ve chosen and to justify why you’ve chosen this one.


If you need some more information on the context, these websites might come in useful:





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